Best Jaw Pullers At The Moment

Jaw Pullers
Trying to remove shaft-mounted components without using the right types of puller can be frustrating and time-consuming. Interference fits, dirt, and corrosion can make the removal process difficult.Trying alternatives to pullers, such as cutting, torching, or hammering presents clear safety risks. Furthermore, there’s also the likelihood of causing damage to the machine components you are trying to maintain!Mechanical and hydraulic pullers are great tools for removing components across many different industrial sectors. Smaller types of puller are widely used by technicians in places such as small automotive workshops. Larger higher tonnage models are used throughout heavy industries, such as those shown in the diagram below.Projects requiring the use of a puller usually involve the maintenance of rotating equipment. Common components to remove include bearings, gears, wheels, pins, bushings, sleeves, couplers, sprockets, and pulleys.
Pullers with two or three jaws
Standard pullers typically have either three or two jaws. The most common kind of puller is a 3-jaw model since the additional jaw allows for more uniform pressure to be applied. On the other hand, a 2-jaw puller may be utilised with caution in areas with restricted access.
Tools that can pull, both mechanically and hydraulically
To use, simply rotate the crossbar, which draws the central bolt or force screw closer to the shaft as the puller works. The necessary force is applied by a hydraulic cylinder built into the hydraulic puller and driven by a pump. The plunger then applies thrust directly, without twisting, which is more efficient and safer.If you’re looking specifically for tools to remove bearings, there’s a number of dedicated tools designed for this. For example, Enerpac offers bearing pullers, bearing separators, and bearing cup pullers.
Internal Pullers
When no spindle support is available, they are utilised to remove components placed on a shaft. High-impact force may be provided with the help of an internal puller and sliding hammer.
Whether hydraulic or mechanical, which is better?
You’ll need a pump, hose, and gauge to operate a hydraulic puller, but it’s much more user-friendly than its mechanical counterpart. The puller determines whether the pump is operated by hand, air, or electricity.
To determine the reach, measure the distance between the puller’s jaw head and the jaw’s pulling surface. As the jaws expand, this distance changes and shortens. The ratio of the reach of an Enerpac lock grip puller to its diameter is excellent. This is due to their use of a unique spin on the typical “cage” setup. The jaws’ internal profile also facilitates the removal of deeper components.
Self-Aligning, Timely Jaws
Enerpac lock grip pullers have a synchronous feature that allows all jaws to move at once. The spindle will remain centred on the shaft, misalignment will be avoided, fewer people will be needed, and the assembly process will be completed faster and more efficiently thanks to this design.
Mechanism for Locking
The locking mechanism aids in keeping the jaws on the application as you pull. When the puller handle is turned, the jaws are locked onto the application, and the shaft-mounted component is released with a simple spin of the spindle.
A simple definition of “spread” is the maximum diameter to which the jaws may open. typically up to 25 inches
There is a great variety of puller capacity to choose from. The typical accessible type has a towing capacity between 2 and 64 imperial tonnes. Nonetheless, Enerpac offers 100-ton puller machines with either a 2- or 3-jaw specialised for a variety of applications. A hydraulic lift and pump are included inside the cart to help with lifting these hefty goods.
This is a picture of a puller capable of lifting 100 tonnes.
Invest on a Set of Pulling Tools
You can get a puller on its own, or you can get a whole set. Get a set if you plan on doing a variety of pulling tasks often. The puller, pump, hose, and pressure gauge make up the standard kit. There are many different kinds of pullers included in a master set, such as a cross bearing puller, a bearing separator, and a bearing cup puller.